The Fast and the Furious 5 – Dotz trailer will get you going +video

Общи 18 май 2011 | A- A+ 9600 посещения | без коментари

"The Fast and the Furious 5" topped the German box office charts right from the start. With an audience of more than 820,000 on the first weekend alone, there was nothing to put the brakes on that film starring Vin Diesel. There is only one supporting film to jibe with such a main feature and this is, of course, "We are Dotz", in which this cult manufacturer shows that it is not only able to produce the best ever tuning wheels but has also come up with its very own Dotz lifestyle. Starring the Dotz Team Rider action heroes and the pretty Dotz Girls, this is certainly what you could call a celeb picture...

Free skier Nico Zacek, BMX champion Senad Grosic, mountain biker Tom Öhler, motocross ace Remi Bizouard and many others are part of this film. They are all masters of their respective discipline and have indeed won the odd title or set world records. Needless to say that such a supporting film, for a "Fast-and-Furious movie, is also starring some fast cars. The top drifters among the Dotz Team Riders like Stian Jacobsen, Zdenek Wertheim, Jazz Williams and Adam Kerenyi will show you tricks physics teachers will deem to be computer-animated. In his tuned SLK,
Maik Jacobs, the king of tuning, you could say, also shows a spectacular ride along the "Nürburgring Nordschleife. And if the sound of more than a few hundred horses isn’t quite enough for you, rest assured: cult DJ Mosaken has added to the score as well.

This successful promotion was also celebrated at this year’s Tuning World Bodensee, where you could not only watch the video but also see our Dotz Girls Daniela and Stefanie plus Jazz Williams. These stars had to give so many autographs that occasionally they would have liked nothing more than to have their stand-in do it.







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